This historically important 1870s bluestone church had been treated as another white interior. White applied to everything compromises design, even beautiful design. Applying appropriate colour to walls and articulating the architecture by the use of non reflective lime and mineral paints creates an interior of unusual refinement.
Woodglazing to existing timber doors and panelling has helped by bringing the roof and other timbers into a similar colour and has added a balanced and cohesive result. Substantial interior plaster and exterior render repairs have repaired and renewed the wall surfaces prior to a fibre glass repair system being installed to the wall surfaces internally and the render surfaces externally.
Compared with the white treatment the results are robust in colour and texture, however, in visiting the church it can be seen as a modern interpretation of the original oxide treatment creating refined interior.
In conjunction with Falkinger Andronas Heritage Architects and St. Alipius’ parishioners