Built in the 1920s, this red brick church was in need of some repair and restoration to stop water entry through the domes and cracked cement dressings.
Our remedial procedure incorporates high pressure removal of debris and cleaning of loose aggregate, prior to consolidation of base surface and the protective value of membrane elastomeric coatings. We have been using this system for more than forty years with outstanding results.
The interior is a large sized single space church with decorated fibrous plaster elements. Our plan with the interior was to embellish the decorated plaster sections and treat all other surfaces in a restrained manner, reflecting the size and simplicity of the design.
The plaster on the walls had developed wide scale plaster cracking and required treatment to consolidate the plaster surface. This was carried out to prevent any further loosening which will result in significant re-plastering being required at a large cost.
The system of consolidation consists of thorough surface preparation and repair prior to the application of specifically designed adhesive paints, into which fibre glass membrane is laid and subsequently sandwiched with more adhesive. The fact that the adhesive is a specific paint adhesive means that the material is able to be coloured and give a film build that buries the membrane to a degree that cannot be detected. We have used this system of repair for plaster with great success for more than thirty five years.
The church interior has had some colour detailing and scumble treatment, used to achieve a contrast to the light and welcoming warm cream colour.
The pews were in need of restoration and along with marble cleaning and conservation of the artwork all things were done to bring this work to conclusion. Even the church hall was included.
A dramatic change has taken place.